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The adventures of a complicated Christian who doesn't settle for easy answers or cheap alcohol.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
The thing is, we knew it was coming.
She and Ginger Puppy were some of the
happiest dogsitting clients I had ever seen, and I was sad that I
couldn't ever get them together for a doggie play date.
Do not doubt for a second that dogs
can't smile. They absolutely can, and Bella was living proof.
Bella's family adopted her specifically because she was an older beagle with health issues that not a lot of people would want. And yes, she was absolutely one of the chubbier beagles I had ever seen.
It didn't matter. Bella owned her
weight like a boss. Trotting around like nobody's business, no I
don't care how big I am, no, I don't care if there's growths on my
face, and yes, I snore like a brick house, but I am the
world's happiest dog, see?
You will love me no matter what,
because my smiles are pure gold.
And they were. They totally were.
I got an email from Bella's mom last September. Bella wasn't doing great, her health issues were catching up with her, so did I want to come by to say hi, possibly for the last time?
Of course, of course, of course.
So we took these pictures. Even when
she was uncomfy, she would smile. And we thought that might be it
for little-not-little-used-as-term-of-endearment-Bella.
But Bella is a go getter. Her
specialty was sneaking out of doors and gates when people weren't
paying attention to her (Never on my watch, thank you very much. I am an awesome dogsitter.) The next month, painters were working on
the outside of the house and despite repeated warnings from Bella's
mom, they didn't close the gate all the way, and so off Bella went on
her grand adventure.
This happy beagle that was supposed to
be down for the count trotted her hefty, happy butt through the
neighborhood. Bella enjoyed the freedom, smiling at everything and
everyone, especially the nice nice lady who saw a happy trotting
beagle wandering around the neighborhood and pulled her car over to
see what was going on. Bella smiled at the nice nice lady and of
course Bella wasn't wearing her collar that day, so the nice nice lady
took Bella home, and slipped a spare collar and leash on her, and
started walking Bella's hefty happy butt up and down the street to find her owner, which is
how Bella's mom, frantic and sick and more than a little pissed at
housepainters finally caught up with her.
And that's how Bella met the actress
and nice nice lady Shannon Elizabeth.
Because that's how Bella rolled, see?
When Bella went on adventures, she went on adventures HARD. Her
smiles attracted FAMOUS PEOPLE. Didn't matter that she wasn't
feeling good.
Maybe it was that adventure and rubbing
shoulders with Hollywood actresses, but Bella rebounded and sailed
through Christmas. So her mom thought it would be all right to take a
10 day cruise to Antarctica at the end of January, because why not,
she nabbed the deal on Black Friday, and Antarctica was on her bucket
list. And Bella's dad, the hospital pediatrician would be here should
anything go wrong.

Bella passed last Friday. Peacefully.
In the backyard in her bed and blankets under a magnolia tree. As
her mom wrote me later, she had made the fateful appointment with the
vet for 12:30pm, but Bella passed around 10:30am.
Because that's how Bella rolled, see.
She did things her way. Smiling the entire time.
I'm really sad, but I'm also really
happy that she's not in pain anymore. And I'm positive that she's
romping around in heaven, chasing squirrels and rolling in green
fields and delighting God with her smiles and wagging tails.
I've heard a lot of conversations about
how when we die, we get the perfect version of our bodies in heaven,
the way that God intended us to be, before our base desires and/or
lack of discipline took over.
I dunno if it's true for dogs, but if
it is, I have no doubt that Bella is just as chubby zooming around in
heaven as she was here on earth. Because she owned everything about
herself. Her adventurous ways, her smiles, her bumps, and her
magnificent canine Botticelli physique.
And her real name was Abby.
Thursday, February 06, 2014
Animals In The Bible #6 – The Revelation Gang!
Hey everybody! Here we are, at the end
of our Animals In The Bible series. And what better way to say bye
bye then with horses of different deadly colors, lions, bears but NO!
Not a single tiger in here! DAMMIT IT ALL!
So context! The apostle John is
writing this book somewhere around 95 C.E. while in exile on the
island of Patmos. The emperor in Rome is named Domitian, and he's at
the start of his bloody reign of persecuting Christians. Because
everything John writes down and sends out is being scrutinized by
Roman guards, he uses symbolic imagery and metaphors that his
audience would understand when writing the book of Revelation, but
that his guards would read and think, “Yo, this guy is off his
The message of Revelation is ultimately
– God wins. Ya-wooooo!
So let's start talking about the
Revelation critters! There's a bunch of them!
Revelation opens and we get through the
letters to the seven churches (Revelation 1 – 3, to sum up: good
job Philadelphia!)
Then we get to Chapter 4:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,’
who was, and is, and is to come.”
I dare you not to think about this image the next time you sing “Holy holy holy, merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed trinity.” (thank you Brick Testament!)

The Lamb opens the first four seals of The Seven Seals and unleashes the Four Horsemen, who are appropriately on Horses. White Horse = War, Red Horse = Bloodshed, Black Horse = Famine, Pale horse = Death.
(No, I don't know why Pale horse = Death and not Black Horse. Colors are weird in the Bible.)
But never mind that, the Lamb opens the rest of the seals, which unleashes martyrs, earthquakes, bloody suns, falling stars, etc. etc. etc.
But we're not done yet, we've got seven angels with seven trumpets. And they unleash hail and fire mixed with blood, a third of the earth is burned up, a third of the sea turned into blood, and the Wormwood star fell into a third of the rivers on earth and poisoned them, amongst other horrible things.
BUT WE'RE LOOKING FOR ANIMALS! There's a talking eagle in Ch. 8:13, and he's saying “Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels!” This meaning “if you thought the first four angels were bad, hold on to your hats, shit's about to go DOOOOOWN!”
Were you thinking insects? Why NOT!? I got locusts for ya! They show up in Chapter 9, when the fifth angel blows his trumpet. But these are Super Locusts, because they've got “powers like that of scorpions of earth.” (Ch. 9:3) One wonders why Scorpions didn't just elbow the Locusts out of the way and say, “Yo, I got this.” but it's hard to argue with an angel and a trumpet.

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion.” (Revelation 13:1-2)
I wonder what that looks like. Oh! Brick Testament knows!
But if you're looking for some animals to ground you, you gotta go to Chapter 16:13:
“13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.”
Frogs! Wheeee!
Perhaps you were looking for your fair feathered friends?
Chapter 19:17 - "And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18: so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”
Maybe you're not so much anymore?
That's the thing, isn't it? There's a whole slew of animals in Revelation, but 9 times out of 10, they're doing apocalyptic things, or they're used as metaphors to do bad things (not bothering with Ch. 22:15, where man's best friend the dog, is used as metaphor to describe wicked ones outside the New Jerusalem.)
Animals in and of themselves aren't bad. It's just a matter of the particular prism you wield on your vision to look at them.
I guess you might say the same thing about the Bible itself. Maybe.
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